Rice, Like McCain, Won’t Touch Favre Issue


Will Politico soon dominate coverage of the Green Bay Packers the way it influences coverage of politics?  First Jim VandeHei offers a reasonable — though optimistic — proposed ending to the Brett Favre fiasco.  Now, Politico’s indefatigable Mike Allen breaks the news that Condoleezza Rice, like John McCain before her, has opted to avoid injecting herself into the Favre negotiations.

Isaacson was referring to her frequent references to the possiblity of becoming NFL commissioner.

“Oh, I’ll tell you,” Rice began gamely.  “It may be dangerous to talk about Iran; it’s even more dangerous to give advice to the Packers on this one. Brett Favre is a great, great player. And I hope if he wants to find a way to play, that he’ll find a way to play.”

Whoa! That sounded like news. Isaacson prodded: “It’d be good for the fans.”

“It would be,” the nation’s diplomat-in chief retreated. “But I’m not touching that one.”

It’s a good thing, too.  Given the thank-you-sir-may-I-have-another approach to North Korea and Iran — offering concessions even when they’re not requested — I’d be worried Rice, on behalf of the Packers, might not only give Favre his job back but offer him full ownership of the team, too.

2 Responses to “Rice, Like McCain, Won’t Touch Favre Issue”

  1. BratsNBeerGuy Says:

    Could the UN step in to halt Minnesota from processing weapons grade Adrian Peterson?

  2. Kristin Says:

    Who says religion and politics don’t mix?
    Rice and McCain might avoid giving an opinion, but now the Packers will have a pro to help with the spinning and deflecting.
    Former White House press secretary Ari Fleischer will be on the Packer payroll.

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