

The best line of this entire episode may have come from Jon Gruden, trying to avoid answering questions at a press availability today.  He said: “I have a lot of respect for the situation.”

Is it possible to have respect for a situation?

3 Responses to “Really?”

  1. Roger Goodell Says:

    I actually told him to say that. He was just following instructions.

  2. RayMidge Says:

    It would’ve been cool if he could’ve worked the word “football” in there somehow.

  3. Kristin Says:

    My favorite line comes from Al Harris. Matt Crossman from reported that Harris saw Favre in the locker room on Monday — and came away impressed. “First time I’ve seen a six-pack on him,” Harris said.

    To be fair, Al wasn’t with the Packers in the early Nineties.

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